Our Alumni Update highlights Lauren Southerland, MD. A graduate of Duke University School of Medicine, Dr. Southerland also completed her residency in Emergency Medicine at Duke University in 2011. After graduating from Duke EM, she completed a geriatrics fellowship at William Beaumont Hospital of Royal Oak, Royal Oak, Michigan. She is currently an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Director of Clinical Research for The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. Additionally, she is a medical representative for the Franklin County interdisciplinary team that’s focused on preventing elder abuse and neglect. Her research focuses on implementing geriatric screening tools and in 2019 she was a recipient of a NIH National Institute of Aging K23 award. Furthermore, she is the recipient of the 2020 Columbus Business First “40 Under 40” Award. Please see this video to find out what’s new with Dr. Southerland!