“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” —Helen Keller
“Teamwork makes the dream work.” —John C. Maxwell
These sentiments embody an ethos of teamwork that can be found in teams behind the scenes of your favorite play, tv show or movie, as well as the administrative team of Duke Emergency Medicine.
In the production that is our department, faculty, providers and trainees often take center stage, as they should, in service of our clinical and academic missions— providing high-quality care to patients, educating future leaders in Emergency Medicine and creating new knowledge through scientific discovery. Much like the cast and crew of a production, our faculty and staff work together in pursuit of a common vision.
As staff, we take our supporting roles and responsibilities very seriously (while weaving in some fun and light-hearted moments intermittently along the way). We strive to provide excellent service and support to faculty, trainees and fellow staff. The department is fortunate to have a wonderful team of experienced and committed individuals who bring unique skills and knowledge to this work. From the finance team to the administrative support team to the CRU team and GEMINI, each unit fulfills an essential need from creating budgets to processing reimbursements to ensuring that every component of our research is done in a compliant manner.
These functions are indispensable and ensure the show goes off without a hitch. And when there are hiccups, which happen from time to time, our team steps into action to address and correct the issue. So, I’d like to give a big shout out and “thank you” to the administrative teams for the important role they play, as we shine the spotlight on them for a change. Roll the credits...
Administrative Support Team
- Arladean Arnson
- Kim Batson
- Erin Browning
- Chernelle Jones
Residency Coordinator
- Kim Brown
- Maria Mushi
- Paige O’Leary
- Ashley Phillips
- Eleanor Strand
Clinical Research Coordinators/CRU Team
- Rylee Bledsoe
- Lezly Collins
- Etienne Jean Gilles
- Tammy Hawley
- Daniel Heron
- Maria Manson
- Rosanna Escobar Spadina
- Erica Walker
Research Administration Team
- Rachael Baker
- Florence Boddupalli
- Risha Bostick
- Yachira Martinez
- Jon Narvaez
- Aziz Seh Ibrahim
- Alissa Wallace
Finance Manager
- Hal Noell
HR Director
- Mesega Johnson-Smith
Michael Gowan