On Thursday, September 14, 2023, at the Trent Semans Center for Health Education building, Duke's Department of Emergency Medicine's annual Research Showcase started with coffee and conversation. Dr. Alexander Limkakeng invited all to take a seat for immersion into emergency medicine research, noting that the new generation of EM researchers will embrace partnerships outside of the ED. We were also introduced to the day’s hosts: our Chief Residents, Doctors Alaa Ousta and Cody Hill.

Dr. Marie-Carmelle Elie, Professor and Chair of Emergency Medicine at University of Alabama at Birmingham and guest speaker, opened the event with her address titled “Social and Environmental Factors Impacting Sepsis Outcomes.” Her detailed and engaging presentation highlighted the long-term sequela of acute sepsis hospitalization and embraced both the medical attributes and social determinants of health that impact patients’ course for years. Notable among these determinants is the systemic racism ingrained into the built environment. The connections her research revealed wove together the spheres of healthcare and community into a fabric that could be recognized in many places across the United States, including here in Durham!

Other podium presentations ranged from the basic sciences research into mitochondrial markers and multimodal cognitive behavioral therapy and physical therapy for pain management to innovations in health systems for global pediatric cancer — all by presenters in the Department of Emergency Medicine. The morning unfolded with scheduled time to walk among the Poster Stations, highlighting Duke EM researchers and their programs of research.
The Department of Emergency’s Interim Chair, Dr. Charles Gerardo, in his concluding remarks, noted that the questions and discussions brought up at the event would further research inquiries into the future. He offered his sincere thanks to Dr. Elie, and to the Chief Residents and Department of EM staff for a magnificent event. The activities adjourned with a tasty lunch from a local restaurant.